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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Order
    Do I have a minimum order value?
    Yes, The Minimum Order Value is Pula 200.
    How do I know that my order is confirmed?
    You will receive an email and an SMS stating that your order is confirmed.
    Do I get any alert for despatch?
    Yes, you will get an email and an SMS before despatch.
    Shipping & Delivery
    What are the delivery slot sand cut off time for the slot?
    We normally Deliver 3 to 4 times a day. If you order before 4 PM you will get the delivery the same Day.
    Do you deliver across the country?
    Currently we deliver specified locations as mentioned in the site, all additions will be updated.
    Do I have an Online Payment option?
    Not Yet. We will be introducing this at a later date. (We accept Debit/Credit cards and Cash).
    Return / Refund Policy
    If there is a missing product found after delivery, how are refunds processed?
    Please Check & Confirm at the time of Receiving.
    Do you provide financial services and utilities (Power,Dstv etc)?
    Not yet, currently Groceries available.

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Minimum Order for P200.00 or more.

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